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2011mba英语词汇练习 九

11. Sometimes we buy a magazine with absolutely no purpose ___________ to pass time.
A. rather thanB. other thanC. as wellD. except for
12. Those who ___________ women’s liberation movement continue to hope, and work, for a change.
A. consist inB. believe inC. indulge inD. result in
13. Finding out about these universities has become easy for anyone with Internet ___________.
A. entrance B. admissionC. accessD. entry
14. How strange it is that the habit he developed in his childhood still ________________ him.
A. takes toB. clings toC. attends toD. adds to
15. The three disrespectful sons began to feel worried about the ultimate ______________ of the family’s property.
A. proposalB. disposal C. removalD. salvation
16. Chemists, physicists and mathematicians are ___________ known as scientists.
A. collectively B. alternativelyC. cognitivelyD. exclusively
17. The national government is to make every effort to ______________ the will of the people.
A. executeB. exceedC. exciteD. exhaust
18. There are often discouraging predictions that have not been ____________ by actual events.
A. verifiedB. utilizedC. mobilizedD. modified
19. Tom was ___________ of a crime he didn’t commit. He fought for many years to clear his name.
A. convictedB. convincedC. conceivedD. condemned
20. Actor Pierce Brosnan may play the deadly super spy in the movies, but in real life he is a ___________ father and a loving husband.
A. devastatedB. deservedC. desperateD. devoted



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